Switch Memberships

From: $5.00

$5.00 / week with a 30-day free trial
$32.00 / week and a $84.50 sign-up fee
$49.00 / week and a $129.00 sign-up fee

Follow these steps to switch your membership,

  1. Click the ‘+’ sign to increase the quantity to number 1, for the new membership you want to join.
  2. Click the blue “Switch subscription” button. This will goto the Checkout page.
  3. Review the details and then click the blue “Complete Purchase” button.

Your old subscription will be automatically cancelled, and the new subscription  will be active.

Our Support Team will receive a message and Approve your new subscription. (This can take up to 12 hours). Once approved, you will get a message when you login to the True Community platform (www.trueopenaware.com)

If you need further support, please email support@truequit.com


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